Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm Gonna Be A Mirror!

Well! I hope everyone had a splendid Thanksgiving weekend! :) I am glad to say that despite some bumpy road I have to say that focusing on the Lord and the positive things made it a great weekend. The Lord has been showing me so many things that I need to work on and pray for and about and learn. While I have always gone through phases of  searching out of what God wants of me, I truly feel this is the first time I have ever really started to understand how to have a relationship with God and do not just see Him as another authority figure that I have to live up to or impress. 

My goal for this week is to start really demonstrating my religion instead of just trying to use my spirituality to make myself feel better.  I don't mean I am going to be flashy about it. I just mean that I really need to be more aware of how I act, the words I speak, and the attitude that I have toward others.  The bible says we are supposed to be a reflection of Christ.  And I must say that I have not been a very good mirror up to this point in my life. It is impossible to be an Amazing Godly Woman without being a reflection of Christ.

In other news, I took my son to the specialist about his weight and guess what.... THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM!!! They said he probably just has a high metabolism and was obviously very active and I should try to feed him more calories through out the day. I could have told them most of that. I  did say a prayer of thanks that he is healthy and fine though. :)

I suppose that is all I have for now.  Make your day a good one and be blessed!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The last couple of days have been good ones.  I have prayed every morning and every night, I have been reading the bible everyday. I feel so at peace right now.  I am focusing on God and being happy and it is working, I am happy!  I cleaned my house today, not spotless, but if someone stops by I will be okay with them coming in!

Since tomorrow is thanksgiving I thought I would do a list of things I'm thankful for.

  1. My kids. They are such a blessing.
  2. My home. It isn't perfect but it is quirky like me and I like it. :)
  3. My friends. They are always there when I need them.
  4. Sleep. I love sleep.
  5. My church. I am building a family and it is so comforting to know that they truly care about me.
I am blessed in so many ways.  I just have to keep focusing on those positive things and following Him down this path.

Be Blessed and Have a Happy Turkey Day!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Back to the Basics

Well I did it! I made to Sunday School and Church! I overslept to be quite honest.  I woke up at 8:38 am...
Sunday school starts at 9:00. But Chris watched Deuce for me so I threw on some clothes and ran out the door and was only about 10 minutes late! 

I'm really glad I made it to Sunday school. They started a new series today about spiritual warfare.  I used to be well versed in this spiritual area. My parents taught me well how to be aware of it and how to overcome it.  However over the last few years I have strayed away from my faith base and lost some of those strengths.  I even mentioned to one of my fellow church members how I needed a refresher course on the subject yesterday! So imagine my surprise when I sit down and the start playing a video of "The Bride"! For those of you would aren't familiar with particular christian production it is a great play/musical about the battle between Satan and God that was an annual event for a couple of years when I was about 7 or 8 years old. This show was truly the base for all my spiritual warfare instruction.  God is soooo SMART!!! :) He knew that this was going to be the foundation for the series, He knew that it was my spiritual 101 instruction, and He knew I needed it, so HE MADE SURE I WAS THERE!!! Thank you Father! :) He is truly rebuilding me from the bottom up. 

And then on to the the church service..."How to Love a Turkey" another message I really needed to hear. Especially with the tumultuous weekend my husband and I had.  (yes my husband was my turkey) God was kind to me in this one, all weekend I did my best not to be confrontational and to resist the desire to argue back or get sassy about things and through this message God let me know that I was being Godly, that He saw and was pleased. But it went even further than that He reminded me that I am His daughter. I AM A DAUGHTER OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER! 

The other HUGE thing that I think I have never understood and perhaps is one reason I have such a hard time with my faith is that I DO NOT HAVE TO EARN GODS LOVE!! 1 John 4:19 says, "We love, because HE FIRST LOVED US!!" I know this verse, I've heard it before, but I never really thought about it.  I have an I have to earn _______ (fill in the blank) mentality so I never really thought about the fact that God loves me, just because He does! 

I can't tell you how liberated I feel after going to church today.  I feel filled up and full of hope and love and peace.  AND I have another line for my mantra!

I am a Daughter of my Heavenly Father,
I am courageous, 
I trust in the Lord and
I am Blessed!

Be Blessed, 

P.S. I also was hired for another babysitting position today. I can even take Deuce with me! Thank you Lord!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

To Do List

To-Do List for the next week.

  1. Go to Sunday School, Church and Bible Study.
  2. Read my bible everyday.
  3. Pray every morning while in the shower and every night as I go to sleep.
  4. Listen only to Christian Music.
In order to hold myself accountable I will post updates on Facebook every time I complete one of my tasks.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

                                                                                                           Phillipians 4:8

Be Blessed,

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Mantra

A couple of months ago during on of my my many false starts to becoming more active in my spiritual growth I started reading a wonderful book with a women's bible study group at church. I stopped going and stopped reading the book and of course any positive advancement was totally lost.

The book is called Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God, by Sheila Walsh.  While I didn't follow through with the reading of this book at the time, I am going to finish reading it within the next few weeks and really try to apply it.  It is a great book about how being imperfect can make you a perfect vessel for God. She, like me, always tried to hide her insecurities and imperfections for fear that her family and friends would think less of her. I can relate. I feel like I am doing that all the time. I don't want to be that way anymore. Looking at the other families around me wondering why their relationships and lives seem so perfect when mine is in seemingly constant turmoil. I think the turmoil is caused by my perception of myself and my life. I have always been pretty pessimistic and I have a hard time seeing the good in situations.

While reading through the book before I had started writing a mantra for myself.  It is still written on my bathroom mirror although I do not say it as I should in order for it to have any positive affects. I hope to add to this as I grow and transform. It is

and I am BLESSED!

I believe a key factor to becoming an AMAZING GODLY WOMAN is to trust that GOD has a bigger plan for my life than I do and to TRUST the He will guide me.  He values me and loves me and wants me to be happy. If I will follow Him I will become amazing because He will be shining through me. To accomplish this I will start doing the following EVERY DAY!

  1. PRAY
  2. Read the Bible
  3. Repeat my mantra every time I look in a mirror.
I can do this. I know I can.

What do you hide about yourself that you are afraid others will judge you for?

Make your day GREAT and be BLESSED!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

An Introduction, Some Admissions, etc.

Who am I? Where did that person that was me go? I am lost! Some things I do know:

My name is Annie, I am 30, I am a mom and wife, housekeeper, laundress, get the picture. But these are all just things that I DO...I need to find out who I AM, just me, without all the attachments and and duties.

Now to the hard part, the admissions.  I know they always say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.  Well that is just what I am going to do here.  The following are things I know need fixing.  I am not proud of them but I just want everything out in the open. I am tired of pretending, I want to be real.

  1. "I am worthless".  This is probably the hardest thing for me to admit only because I know it is SOOO wrong and I know it isn't true but it is how I allow myself to feel. I even know what to do to fix it! VALUE MYSELF!  My husband values me, my friends value me, my baby values me, my little step-daughter values me! But I don't value myself.  I don't treat myself with respect and honor.
  2. I am depressed.  I have no motivation or drive to accomplish anything, I would rather sleep all day or sit on the couch than try to fix anything about myself.  I don't leave the house except to go to the store or to visit my Grandma once a week. I never wear anything other than sweats or jeans and t-shirts. I only do the house work I feel I have to do in order to keep my house from not being totally disgusting. 
  3. I am lost. Those things I felt made me who I was as a single woman have been lost along the way the last few years.  I have tried so hard to become a wife and mother, etc. that I lost Annie in the process. This is perhaps one of the causes of my feelings of depression and worthlessness. I remember what those things were, I just don't make time for them anymore. I used to listen to music ALL the time, all kinds, I used to read a lot, I used to visit friends and family all the time. I used to sing and dance and act silly.  I used to write and think that my thoughts and ideas had merit.  I want to find those things again.  I want my kids to have that person as a role model. 
So what, you ask, is the reason for this sudden desire?  I watched this 20/20 special the other night about Gabby Giffords. She was a congress woman from Arizona who was shot in the head in January of 2011 and is now walking and talking less than a year later.  She is an amazing woman with an amazing determination to accomplish her goals.  

While watching the special I found myself thinking, "what makes her so amazing, why can't I be that way? What does it take to be an AMAZING GODLY WOMAN?"  Obviously I have spent the last few days mulling over this question and examining myself.  I realized that the first step  in growing, changing and becoming a better person is to admit and recognize your problems, issues, dislikes of yourself, and fix them or change them so that they fall in line with who you desire to be.  Well I have taken the first step.  I have listed the "Biggies" above, those things that I feel are the foundation of this person that I do not like being.
I am going to strive everyday, through backslides and all to change and overcome those things and to find myself and become an Amazing Woman as well.  I am going to need help, support and I will always welcome some I've been there, done that advice.

Proverbs 31:10-12 and 25-30

10 [a]A wife of noble character who can find? 
   She is worth far more than rubies. 
11 Her husband has full confidence in her 
   and lacks nothing of value. 
12 She brings him good, not harm, 
   all the days of her life.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; 
   she can laugh at the days to come. 
26 She speaks with wisdom, 
   and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 
27 She watches over the affairs of her household 
   and does not eat the bread of idleness. 
28 Her children arise and call her blessed; 
   her husband also, and he praises her: 
29 “Many women do noble things, 
   but you surpass them all.” 
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; 
   but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.