Thursday, February 4, 2016

What I Believe...A Statement of Faith

I was sorting through some old e-mails and came across the following which was part of a response I wrote to someone. I have reworded it a bit to make it more of a statement of my faith. I thought I would post it here for anyone that might be curious about my foundation beliefs. 

I want to live a Christ like life, a life that has a foundation of biblical principals, working principals. I do not consider myself a member of any denomination but rather a member of The ChurchI am a child of God, I believe that the bible is His Word and the ultimate authority on how I should live my life, that the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ and by confessing, repenting and changing our lives daily to become more Christ like. I believe in the Trinity, I believe in the value and the mysteries of Eucharist, I believe in baptism and what it symbolizes.  I do not believe that being a member of or attending any specific church is going to grant me any more or less salvation than living by God's Word will.  The bible says "know the truth and it shall set you free" (Jn. 8:32). It is relationship with God, through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that I live my life by and strive to know.  I seek to know what God requires of ME and what path He has planned for MY LIFE.  I am certain that it is not the same as any other persons path that has ever or will ever live.  It is a path He has created just for me. 

Be Blessed!


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